How many gallons are there in a beer barrel?
For the longest time I couldn’t remember the answer to this question, nor could I tell how much beer is in a sixtel vs. a quarter keg. Read on to get answers to all of your questions about barrel and keg size.
Carbonation Drops vs. Priming Sugar
Homebrewers have two main methods for carbonating their beer in bottles - carbonation drops or priming sugar. Both methods have their pros and cons. Carbonation drops are easy and will allow you to bottle from the primary fermentation vessel. Priming sugar is much more cost effective and will allow you to more finely dial in carbonation levels but will require the use of a bottling bucket.
Why Did I Launch Small Batch Brewing?
What is Small Batch Brewing? Why would one consider brewing beer in a one gallon sized batch? There are many compelling reasons to brew beer on a smaller scale.